Embrace the Mysticism of Creation Spirituality

What Is Creation Centered Mysticism?

Creation Spirituality is nondual, understanding that both immanence and transcendence are a unity.  Its mysticism is not fleeing material reality for some some other world, but finding that transcendent reality in this world, and in our own hearts, and in the connections within and among us. “Creation Spirituality is the idea that divinity permeates all things, and all things have the imprint of divinity, yet the sum of all things does not fully encompass the mystery of the divine.” (Sid Hall) There is a sense that we must hold the paradoxes. One might say that Creation Spirituality mystic practices do not see the created world as opposite the spiritual world, but sees them as an interrelated whole, as a living scripture of Divine presence in all of creation, teaching us the many beautiful names of the Divine. The practice is to remove impediments within and release the illusions that anything is separate from God, and to listen to what is spoken in creation within, around, and among us, and respond in stillness or movement, in creativity and in transformation. The Creation mystics are engaged all those activities.

Matthew Fox writes, “If all of Creation had been whispering the story of its own Spirituality for 13.5 billion years…we would call that story Creation Spirituality.” We are part of that story.

Hildegard of Bingen

Hildegard of Bingen (1098 – 1179) was a remarkable figure whose contributions to science, music, medicine, and spirituality continue to inspire people around the world. She is a Doctor of the Church because her writings and creative work are considered to timeless and true. Her innovative musical compositions, visionary painting, holistic approach to health, and profound spiritual teachings have left a lasting impact on history. Known for her visions and wisdom, Hildegard of Bingen’s legacy serves as a beacon of creativity, healing, and enlightenment for generations to come.


“The Word is living, being, spirit, all verdant greening, all creativity. This Word manifests itself in every creature.”

francis of assisi

Thomas Berry was a pioneering creation-centered mystic known for his deep ecological wisdom and his ability to weave together science, spirituality, and art. His creative vision and profound sense of justice inspired many to see the Earth as a sacred community deserving of respect and care. Berry’s work emphasized the importance of integrating both reason and the irrational, recognizing the value of intuition and imagination in understanding the world.

“The universe is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects.”

clare of assisi

Thomas Berry was a pioneering creation-centered mystic known for his deep ecological wisdom and his ability to weave together science, spirituality, and art. His creative vision and profound sense of justice inspired many to see the Earth as a sacred community deserving of respect and care. Berry’s work emphasized the importance of integrating both reason and the irrational, recognizing the value of intuition and imagination in understanding the world.

“The universe is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects.”

Thomas Berry

Thomas Berry was a pioneering creation-centered mystic known for his deep ecological wisdom and his ability to weave together science, spirituality, and art. His creative vision and profound sense of justice inspired many to see the Earth as a sacred community deserving of respect and care. Berry’s work emphasized the importance of integrating both reason and the irrational, recognizing the value of intuition and imagination in understanding the world.

“The universe is a communion of subjects, not a collection of objects.”

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