Sacred Earth Alaska

a creation spirituality community


The modern world cast off the view of the earth as sacred, allowing a forgetfulness that has created an ecological crisis. But people often experience the wisdom of nature speaking to their souls. It is important to the earth itself and to our own health that we begin once again to listen and respond.


Recovering our Sacred Relationship

Where Land & People, Contemporary Science, Art & Spirit Come Together “The universe is a communion of subjects not a collection of objects …The ancient human-Earth relationship must be recovered in a new context, in its mystical as well as in its physical functioning. There is need for awareness that the mountains and rivers and all living things, the sky and its sun and moon and clouds all constitute a healing, sustaining sacred presence for humans which they need as much for their psychic integrity as for their physical nourishment.”   ~ Thomas Berry

The Awareness of Heaven & Earth, Land & People, Art & Science Recovering Each Other


To listen & respond to the scripture written in nature, in the aboriginal traditions, in the mystics of the world religions, in contemporary science, & in the wisdom of our ancestors, in the archetypal realms, and in our hearts; To respond once again by experiencing these enlivening natural relationships which give meaning within our lives. 

Welcome to this statewide creation spirituality site for Alaskans who wish to renew our definitions of the sacred within ourselves, each other, the earth, and the universe itself; looking at creation as the ancestors of our many faiths once did, both theists and non-theists, as the first scripture, a sacred word given to us, a teaching to meditate on; listening and responding with what that means for us today. In this time of climate crisis and global warming how do we express this renewed relationship with the earth and all our relations in this beautiful arctic land on this beautiful planet.

Sacred Earth Alaska: A Learning & Creating Community


Sacred Earth Alaska is a local community that affiliates itself with Creation Spirituality Communities, a teaching network of individuals and communities who experience our own spiritual paths in connection to the evolving paradigms of the earth and the universe.

Through study, community, and practice, Creation Spirituality Communities create opportunities to deepen our compassion, justice, creativity, and vision for cultural transformation so that we all might experience our sacred connection to the Spirituality of Creation.

Explore your own heart, soul, spirit, life purpose and meaning, your values, your integrity, & creativity, your calling.

Learn the mystic wisdom stories, practices, rites of passage and rituals that the ancestors knew were important for your formation as a human being.

Learn about contemporary science, cosmogenesis and how it relates to the teachings & practices of the ancestors.

Explore where you are on your journey and the practical/ body/mind/spirit/ emotional skillsets that may be helpful for you at this time and moving forward.

Listen & respond;
let your gifts & the needs of the earth & other beings call you to creative passion, compassion, justice. What does that look like today for you?

Meet Matt Fox

Matthew Fox (b. 1940) is an internationally acclaimed spiritual theologian, Episcopal priest, and activist who was a member of the Dominican Order for 34 years. He holds a doctorate, summa cum laude, in the History and Theology of Spirituality from the Institut Catholique de Paris and has devoted 45 years to developing and teaching the tradition of Creation Spirituality, which is rooted in ancient Judeo-Christian teaching; inclusive of today’s science and world spiritual traditions; welcoming of the arts and artists; wisdom centered, prophetic, and committed to eco-justice, social justice and gender justice.

Fox has reinvented forms of education and worship and awakened millions to the much neglected earth-based mystical tradition of the West, revivifying awareness of Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart, Thomas Aquinas, and Thomas Merton, among other premodern and post-modern spiritual pioneers. He has authored more than 35 books on spirituality and contemporary culture. His books, celebrated around the world, have been translated into 73 languages. Seeking to establish a new pedagogy for learning spirituality melding the ancient Western wisdom tradition and aboriginal earth centered traditions with contemporary scientists and modern mystics, Fox founded the Institute in Culture and Creation Spirituality.

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Header photo: Geese gathering at Creamer’s Field, Fairbanks for the long haul south. Rev. Scott Fisher, Beaver, Alaska.

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